Rasha Jorany is a experienced Cognitive behavioural therapist (CBT) and Hypnotherapist specialises in Rationale Emotive behavioural therapy (REBT). Rasha is a registered and accredited by the Professional Standards Authority, The National Counselling and Psychotherapies Society.

The therapy is a goal-focused on exploring the unhelpful feelings and thoughts to allow a behaviour change. You’ll be surprised by your beliefs.

Rasha focuses mainly on self-acceptance and self-compassion. The importance to be kind to self and acknowledge your abilities and capacities as human-being.

The goal is to feel better.

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CBT is form of therapy that is supported by extensive research studies and is used globally in health services including NHS and recommended by NICE guidelines, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.

Rasha specialises in REBT, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy – it is trans-diagnostic, humanistic and philosophical approach. This therapy approach to allow become your own therapist.

It will be a collaborative work with you on learning new coping strategy, to learn about your emotions, how to challenge your unhelpful thoughts and make change in your behaviour to achieve your goal of feeling better.

White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany


Rasha is experienced hypnotherapist integrates hypnotherapy with CBT and REBT, when required To heal the unconscious into healthy conscious mind.


Clinic based, in-person consultation and online and Telephone sessions Available.

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Founder, CEO & Architect


Helga Steiner


Ivan Lawrence

Project Manager

How To find Us.

  • Clinic: Wigmore street, W1U, London
  • Video Call.
  • Telephone.
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